Organic Pearled Barley

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  • Pearled barley, or pearl barley, is a grain which is polished to remove it's inedible outer husk and decrease cooking time.
  • Often used in place of rice, pasta, or cous cous.
  • Put it in soups, salads, stews, or serve it as a stand alone dish with a bit of butter, soy sauce, or Sriracha.

If you're looking for a healthy rice alternative, pearled barley is on par with quinoa and pearled farro. It has a vaguely nutty taste and a chewy texture. Pearled barley boasts nutritional good stuff like an abundance of fiber and protein, thiamin, niacin, iron, selenium, and zinc. And it is one of the handful of ancient grains that hasn't had all of the nutrition bred out of it. Not only that, but ours is organic. 

Icons list

  • Organic pearled barley

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